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GCF Task Force
Nov 18, 2020
Afianzan vínculos interinstitucionales para fortalecer el liderazgo de Quintana Roo
La transparencia sobre el origen de datos y metodología es un factor crucial en la construcción de la política climática. El trabajo del...

![Acuerdo Público Privado “Producir Conservando y Conservar Produciendo" en Ucayali [ES]](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/cb5e0d_ea54d86e676a422fa5de4ab8fe278787~mv2.webp)
GCF Task Force
Nov 3, 2020
Acuerdo Público Privado “Producir Conservando y Conservar Produciendo" en Ucayali [ES]
Se promueve Acuerdo Público Privado “Producir Conservando y Conservar Produciendo” en las provincias de Padre Abad y Coronel Portillo de...
![Developing the indigenous economy in the Brazilian Amazon post-COVID-19 [EN, PT]](,h_359,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/cb5e0d_55c2d3fd728f4ba0bd72179fcb09dd41~mv2.webp)
GCF Task Force
Oct 20, 2020
Developing the indigenous economy in the Brazilian Amazon post-COVID-19 [EN, PT]
Leia a versão em Português abaixo Participatory diagnosis started to identify problems, trends, and solutions for the development of the...

![Coalición por una Producción Sostenible de Perú designa a Fabiola Muñoz [ES, EN]](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/cb5e0d_c75d084cf14b45c891468ad23bac4b40~mv2.webp)
GCF Task Force
Oct 9, 2020
Coalición por una Producción Sostenible de Perú designa a Fabiola Muñoz [ES, EN]
El pasado 15 septiembre de 2020, mediante una sesión virtual, el Consejo Directivo de la Coalición por una Producción Sostenible designó...

GCF Task Force
Sep 2, 2020
Dialogues for the Amazon: Brazilian Environmental Secretaries on the Fight Against Forest Fires
On Thursday, September 3rd, Brazilian GCF Task Force States will host Dialogues for the Amazon—a live conversation with Environmental...
![Ver el vídeo: Programa de Incentivos Regionales en Perú [ES]](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/cb5e0d_5ceea75f33e5475a9bae84788d282045~mv2.webp)
GCF Task Force
Sep 1, 2020
Ver el vídeo: Programa de Incentivos Regionales en Perú [ES]
En un contexto de crisis pos-pandemia, el PIR (Programa de Incentivos Regionales) nace como una propuesta de reactivación económica para...

GCF Task Force
Aug 26, 2020
Strengthening indigenous womens' entrepreneurial skills in Acre, Brazil
Initiatives are underway to empower and strengthen indigenous women in Acre, Brazil. On August 20th, the Government of Acre joined the...

GCF Task Force
Aug 21, 2020
Indonesian Provinces Craft NDC Roadmap to Reduce Emissions from the Forest and Land-Use Sectors
In recent years, Indonesia has taken enormous strides towards reducing deforestation—the country was recently rewarded with a nearly USD...

GCF Task Force
Jul 29, 2020
Indonesian provinces to develop plans to distribute benefits from reducing deforestation
On July 10th, GCF Task Force delegates from Indonesia held a webinar to share information on the design of the Benefit Sharing Plans...

![Madre de Dios anuncia lineamientos de ganadería sostenible con el Ministerio de Agricultura [ES, EN]](,h_386,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/cb5e0d_453894c7e654451f9447eb86947f852a~mv2.webp)
GCF Task Force
Jun 22, 2020
Madre de Dios anuncia lineamientos de ganadería sostenible con el Ministerio de Agricultura [ES, EN]
See English version below. Los lineamientos para la ganadería sostenible en Madre de Dios son elaborados en conjunto por el Ministerio de...

GCF Task Force
Jun 11, 2020
Amapá Launches New State Environmental Service Portal
Last Friday, during the opening of the virtual event Junho Verde 2020, the Government of Amapá, through the Secretariat of the...

GCF Task Force
Jun 5, 2020
Ucayali Advances Regional Plan for Addressing COVID-19 in Indigenous Populations
On May 30th, the Regional Government of Ucayali, in collaboration with the Regional Health Directorate of Ucayali and Indigenous...

GCF Task Force
May 28, 2020
Indonesian Provinces Advance Initiatives Through Virtual Collaboration
On May 14th, delegates from all seven GCF Task Force provinces in Indonesia gathered virtually to discuss their provincial responses to...

GCF Task Force
Mar 6, 2020
Strength in Unity: IP/LC Global Committee Convenes in Oaxaca
The first official meeting of the GCF Task Force Global Committee for Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities.

GCF Task Force
Feb 28, 2020
Enfoques Jurisdiccionales: Quintana Roo
EDITORIAL Al día de hoy, la producción de energías limpias y renovables es uno de los compromisos que los gobiernos de distintos países...

GCF Task Force
Dec 30, 2019
Gobernador del Estado de Jalisco Presenta La Alianza de Gobernadores Mexicanos por el clima
En la sesión de la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Recursos Hídricos y Cambio Climático de la CONAGO, celebrada el pasado 27 de noviembre en...

GCF Task Force
Dec 18, 2019
Unity at COP25: Working Together to Advance Subnational Climate Action
(MADRID, SPAIN) Last week, subnational leaders from around the world convened at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP25) in...

GCF Task Force
Dec 16, 2019
Governors from Brazil, Peru, Indonesia, and Mexico Tackle Climate Change At COP25
[PRESS RELEASE] (MADRID, SPAIN) The Governors’ Climate & Forests (GCF) Task Force—the world’s largest subnational collaboration of states...

GCF Task Force
Nov 4, 2019
Inaugural Amazon Governors Summit Convenes at the Vatican, Rome
Rome, Italy– On October 28, 2019, GCF Task Force Governors from the Brazilian and Peruvian Amazon convened at the Pontifical Academy of...

GCF Task Force
Oct 28, 2019
Indonesia Regional Meeting Recap—Jakarta, October 2019
Jakarta, Indonesia—from 22 to 24 October, GCF Task Force members, delegates, and partners from Indonesia convened for their final...
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