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Amazonas Launches COVID-19 Guide for Conservation Units

The Secretariat of the Environment for Amazonas, Brazil, launches material to inform traditional communities about COVID-19.

The new manual is part of the #FicaNaCumunidade (Stay in Your Community) campaign and is intended to disseminate official information about COVID-19 to people who live in Conservation Units in the Amazon. The campaign is part of a series of actions aimed at combating the pandemic in protected areas in the State. The material combines the main World Health Organization recommendations with other measures taken by the Government of Amazonas.

‘’A lot of the communities don’t receive safe information about the disease or even have access to knowledge on how to avoid getting it, which makes them even more vulnerable to the new coronavirus. This is why it is so important to disseminate the information as much as we can, in order to combat the disease in the Amazonas State,” says Eduardo Taveira, Secretary of the Environment for Amazonas.

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