Between February 27th and March 1st, the Brazilian GCF Task Force states attended the first meeting for the construction of SISREDD+ (Information System on REDD+ Safeguards, in Portuguese). This system aims to ensure that REDD+ jurisdictional and national initiatives in Brazil are aligned with the commitments undertaken to enhance their positive socio-environmental impacts and reduce negative impacts.
The meeting, held in Rio Branco (Acre), is the first of a series of events that will use a participatory process to develop indicators that can evaluate compliance with REDD+ safeguards.
A total of 53 representatives from 41 organizations participated, including civil society representatives, state (eight from the Amazon region) and federal governments, international donors, labor unions, associations and cooperatives, indigenous peoples and traditional communities, the Amazon Fund, and universities.
Being the first meeting, the event focused on defining the underlying conditions necessary to develop indicators for SISREDD+ and highlighted relevant national legislation and policies to each safeguard. International commitments Brazil has undertaken were also discussed and presented as guiding principles for safeguard development. The dialogue helped drive conceptual alignment for all participants, with major inputs from the Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Acre’s Secretary of Environment, and the Institute of Climate Change and Regulation of Environmental Services of Acre.
Acre was, once more, presented as a leader in jurisdictional implementation of REDD+ safeguards in the Amazon.
Breaking into groups, the participants identified thematic targets for monitoring each safeguard, providing a basis for further discussion in future safeguard meetings. GCF Task Force members felt their participation in the meeting helped integrate the concept of REDD+ jurisdictional approaches with SISREDD+, build capacity, and enhance alignment of the climate agenda in Brazil.