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Photo by Diego Gurgel

About Us

Supporting partnerships between subnational governments, indigenous peoples and local communities for forest conservation, climate change mitigation, territorial rights and well-being

Our Mission

The Global Committee on Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities provides a platform for advancing The Guiding Principles for Collaboration and Partnership Between Subnational Governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities. We strive to increase the representation of indigenous groups and local communities in forest governance forums, multi-stakeholder collaborations, and partnerships for reducing deforestation and advancing sustainable development. We firmly believe that indigenous peoples and local communities act as "Guardians of the Forest" who can effectively manage the forests they call home for long-term sustainability and prosperity. Moreover, protecting the rights of these communities is imperative to to advancing forest protection. 

Who We Are

A Global Alliance—the Governors' Climate & Forests Task Force—which covers over 1/3 of the world's tropical forests and includes governors, secretaries of the environment, and civil servants from subnational governments in 38 jurisdictions across 10 countries.

Working collaboratively with tribal governments, indigenous peoples and local communities' organizations, NGOs, and civil society groups.

Photo by Tomas Munita/CIFOR

What We Do​

Provide a forum for the participation of indigenous peoples and local communities within the GCF Task Force while serving as an advisory body to the GCF Task Force

Adhere to The Guiding Principles for Collaboration and Partnership Between Subnational Governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities

Structure and support capacity building, technical development and implementation of global and regional strategies to promote inclusive and sustainable partnerships between subnational governments and indigenous peoples and local communities

Exchange and disseminate knowledge and successful models of partnerships across the GCF Task Force

How We Work

Global and Regional Committees (Brazil, Indonesia, Mesoamerica, Western Amazon and Africa) are important platforms for sharing models and lessons learned from innovative partnerships.


These groups are comprised of governmental members of the GCF Task Force, indigenous and local community leaders, representatives of civil society organizations and the donor community.

Click here to see the Global Committee composition.


© 2022 by Governors' Climate & Forests Task Force

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