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Timeline of Events


Oaxaca, México

First official meeting of the 2020 IP/LC Global Committee.


2020 Members of the IP/LC Global Committee convene for two days of workshops on the structure, 
governance, and functioning of the Global Committee and for a workshop on climate programs and carbon financing put on by NGO partners. 



Madrid, Spain

Members of the IP/LC Global Committee met during COP 25 in Madrid to determine structure and next steps for the Global and Regional Committees. 


Members of the Global Committee for Indigenous Peoples & Local Communities (IP/LC Global Committee) are working hard to determine the most effective structure of representation and governance for global and regional mobilization and climate action. The committee is working to enhance connectivity between indigenous leaders and environmental secretaries in each region. 

Sacramento, California

GCF Task Force delegates meeting with IP/LC leaders to discuss progress in each region.


The California Air Resources Board endorsed the Tropical Forest Standard on September 19, 2019. The Tropical Forest Standard includes the Guiding Principles for Collaboration and Partnership Between Subnational Governments, Indigenous Peoples, and Local Communities. GCF Task Force global and regional committees charged with helping to track and monitor progress on the Guiding Principles across GCF Task Force member states.


Caquetá, Colombia

GCF Task Force Annual Meeting includes IP/LC Committee meeting and integrated participation by various IP/LC leaders throughout.


IP/LC Global Committee composition was decided upon for a one-year pilot trial. Committee composition was decided to include one representative from each pan-regional IP organization that is part of the Guardians of the Forest group (COICA, AMPB, AMAN), one GCF Task Force governmental delegate, one IP leader and one LC leader from each major GCF Task Force region. Plus, the Global Committee will include GCF Task Force Coordinators from Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and Indonesia, and one member from the GCF Task Force Secretariat. At-large GCF Task Force participation and NGO participation are both pending. 


Katowice, Poland

GCF Task Force delegates conduct meeting on IP/LC engagement during COP24


Brazilian and Mexican GCF Task Force delegates proposed four areas of work.



Sacramento, California

GCF Task Force delegates met with IP/LC leaders from AMPB, Acre, and others to determine participation in consideration of California's Tropical Forest Standard.


GCF Task Force delegates and IP/LC leaders participated in California Air Resource's Board Meeting considering the endorsement of the Tropical Forest Standard (TFS). The Air Resources Board decided to continue engagement and discussion on the Tropical Forest Standard for one more additional year.


Read the 2018 letter of support for the TFS from the IP/LC Global Committee. 


San Francisco, California

The Guiding Principles for Collaboration and Partnership Between Subnational Governments, Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities were presented at the GCF Task Force Annual Meeting. IP/LC leaders also held a private meeting with Governor Jerry Brown. 


Following discussion and a vote, the Guiding Principles were endorsed by 35 governments, 18 IP/LC organizations, and 17 civil society organizations. The Guiding Principles were also featured at the closing ceremony of the Global Climate Action Summit. 



Bonn, Germany

IP/LC leaders met with GCF Task Force delegates to discuss the Guiding Principles at COP23. 


Following discussion and a vote, the Guiding Principles were endorsed by 35 governments, 18 IP/LC organizations, and 17 civil society organizations. The Guiding Principles were also featured at the closing ceremony of the Global Climate Action Summit. 


Balikpapan, Indonesia

GCF â€‹Task Force Annual Meeting included a roundtable meeting with IP leaders and Governors.


Discussion centered on solidifying the Guiding Principles by incorporating feedback from Governors. The Guiding Principles were further socialized.


Klamath, California

The Yurok Tribe of California hosted a meeting of GCF Task Force delegates and leaders from AMAN, AMPB, and various NGOs. 


Participants agreed to form a global IP/LC committee during a meeting on the Yurok Tribal Lands, with global committee member composition pending.  


© 2022 by Governors' Climate & Forests Task Force

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